Master’s Degree
REGULATIONS (as of 17 May 2022)
Starting from the 2019-2020 academic year, the Academy has established two-year courses that allow students to earn a title which is equivalent to the Master’s Degree of Class LM-45 Disciplines of Figurative Arts, Music, Entertainment and Fashion, structured in 8 different paths: PIANO, FLUTE, VIOLA, VIOLIN, CELLO, GUITAR, CHAMBER MUSIC AND COMPOSITION, as per art.1 of Decree 177 of 1/03/2019 of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
In order to enable participation in public bids, the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees of the Academy of Imola are also equivalent to the Academic Diplomas of I and II level, issued by the AFAM Conservatories (art. 1, co. 102-107, Stability Law 2013 L. 228/2012). Consult law
In order to enroll, it is necessary to be in possession of one of the following Diplomas:
- Academic Diploma of I level of Conservatory for the chosen instrument
- Diploma of Old Conservatory System
together with a High School Diploma or equivalent degree.
It is also necessary to be aged as it follows (with exceptions at the Headmaster’s discretion in agreement with the Academic council):
– in between 18 and 26 years old for piano, flute, violin, viola and cello;
– in between 18 and 30 years old for guitar and chamber music;
– in between 18 and 35 years old for composition
Access to courses which are equivalent to the LM-45 Degree (Master’s Degree) is subject to passing the entrance exam of instrumental practice, in compliance with the regulations of the selected Academy. The respective admission exams’ programs can be found in the “Academies and Courses” section of the website. For guidance on the music program to be presented at the entrance examination, it is necessary to follow the age criterion according to which the Specialization Courses are divided by. For further information, please contact us by calling +39 0542 30802 or by sending an email to
The deadline for registration to entrance exams is available on the page dedicated to admissions. Our office will convey the date of exams to each candidate.
For students who are already enrolled in the Traditional Courses of the Academy, and whose intent is to enroll in the respective Equivalent Degree Course, it is not necessary to pass the entrance examination. The intention has to be notified to the Didatic Office by the end of the academic year.
In case of non-activation of equivalent courses, admitted candidates will be notified by October 10th. For them, however, the possibility of attending the academic courses of instrumental practice within the Academy will still be guaranteed. In addition, admitted students remain the right of attendance for Equivalent Degree courses as soon as the first year is activated, moreover, they are entitled to the recognition of acquired credits (CFU) from practice courses and the reduction of tuition fees.
Students are required to attend at least 80% of each of the courses provided in the teaching plan, otherwise they will not be able to enroll in the mandatory exam of each course, to be held at the end of the year. For each course two exam sessions per year will be guaranteed.
Failure to pass the exams of practice courses (related to SSD L-ART/05 ) at the end of the year, does not provide any possibility of making-up the exam, even in the second session available (with exceptions at the discretion of the Headmaster in agreement with the Academic Council), and it makes it impossible for students to continue their studies within the Academy.
The itemized list regarding the schedule and the programs of the individual courses, will be communicated to the students by our administrative office, and managed through the portal in the ‘cloud’ of the specific didactic area.
Considering the high selection required at the entrance exams and the target of students of the Imola Academy , the institution is available for dialogue with each individual student in order to allow him or her to attend courses and pass exams that are sustainable with his or her extra-academic artistic commitments – concerts, competitions, tours, etc…- agreed by the student with the instrument teacher (exceptions to these rules are at the discretion of the Headmaster in agreement with the Academic Council).
In no case the student can lack any credit (CFU) concerning the total amount of credits required by the regulation, in order to obtain the equivalent Degree of Class LM-45 (Master’s Degree).
The courses are held in Italian and English. In case of collective courses, the teaching language is chosen according to the class components. Students are guaranteed the possibility of studying and taking exams by following a bibliography in both Italian and English.
As specified below, students are required to pay the following fees on the specific due dates:
For the entrance exam, a fee of € 100 is required upon registration. The administrative office will specify all the details at the time of registration.
- RIGHT TO STUDY REGIONAL FEE- Scholarships and studying support
Once the applicant has passed the entrance exam and the activation of the course is guaranteed, the student is required to pay the mandatory fee of € 140, by November 10th, directly to the right to study service of the Emilia Romagna Region ERGO. The right to study service provides for amounts in support of studying that can be accessed through a call for bids. All details can be found on the dedicated website of the Emilia Romagna Region
!! NOTICE TO NEW APPLICANTS: Those wishing to benefit from the ERGO scholarship already in the first year of attendance, are required to notify the ERGO office by July, even if they aren’t yet aware of the outcome of the entrance examination or haven’t taken the entrance exam yet, since scheduled in September.
The total annual tuition fee of the courses equivalent to Master’s Degree for the year 2023-2024 is established in the amount of:
A total of € 3,700.00 for piano/violin/viola/cello/flute/guitar/chamber music
which can be divided in three instalments according to the following calendar:
I installment € 1,250.00 due October 15th
II installment € 1,250.00 due February 15th
III installment € 1,200.00 due April 15th
A total of € 4,500.00 for Composition (with specialization on New Writings or monographic Conducting)
which can be divided in four instalments according to the following calendar:
I installment € 1.100,00 due October 15th
II installment € 1.100,00 due December 15th
III installment € 1.100,00 due February 15th
IV installment € 1,200.00 due April 15th
The payment of the tuition fee is compulsory in any case, otherwise it will be impossible to attend courses and take exams. The Academy is available to consider a wider and interest-free instalment plan, upon specific request made by the student.
See the STUDY PLAN in the dedicated section
The teachers of practical courses related to the SSD L-ART/05 of each address are listed in the section of the website ‘Professors‘
In case of several teachers, the candidate may indicate a specific preference that will be respected within the limits of class capacity. It is possible to follow the practice courses with more teachers. The assignment of teachers for practice courses is at the discretion of the Director of the selected Academy.
The professors of the theoretical teachings and the related study plans are listed in the section of the website ‘Insegnamenti e Docenti’.
Upon registration, the student undertakes to sign and comply with the official Regulations governing the educational and organizational aspects of the courses attended. Every year the Academy reserves the right to modify Regulations in order to improve the service for students. Any changes will be promptly communicated through publications on the website and direct communication to the students through the Academy’s office.