Multi-Year Course
The Multi-Year Course is restricted to pupils aged between 15 and 19; this course lasts until the end of the academic year during which the student turns 20. The didactic activity will be parallel to the Three-Year course, to set solid base for an educational continuity within the Academy.
Attendance to the course is subject to passing the entrance exam by audition, with a programme of:
Applicants aged between 15 and 17:
– a piece of Johann Sebastian Bach and three free Studies
– a free program to last 25-30 minutes. In the free program the previous pieces will not be counted.
The free program must be suitable according to the student’s age and preparation: this is to be assessed during admission.
The registration process to the admission exam allows the applicants to write their preference for one or more teachers they want to study with at the Academy.
Applicants aged 18 and 19:
– a classical Sonata (Haydn, Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven)
– a romantic piece, free choice
– a virtuoso study, free choice
– a free program to last 25/30 minutes. In the free program the previous pieces will not be counted.
The free program must be suitable according to the student’s age and preparation: this is to be assessed during admission.
Sign up for the admission exam: click here
In order to attend the following academic year, it is mandatory to pass the passage exam, with these program:
Pupils aged between 15 and 17
–a recital to last 25-30 minutes
– a concert for piano and orchestra
Pupils aged 18 and 19
– a recital to last 35-40 minutes
– a concert for piano and orchestra
The pieces presented on the previous years will not be counted. The only exception is made for the passage exam from the Multi-Year to the Three-Year Course.
Every year Multi-Year students must accompany one or more concerts for piano during their mates’ test, according with teacher’s directions. This exam will be relevant in the judgement of the testing committee even on the accompanist student.
From Multi-Year Course to Three-Year Course:
At the end of the Multi-annual Course, students will obtain a certificate of attendance, not a Diploma.
When pupils turn 20 they can access the passage exam from Multi-annual to Three-Years Course.
Passage exam to the Three-Year Course:
A recital to last 45-50 minutes including:
– a classical Sonata (Beethoven, Clementi, Haydn and Mozart)
– a Chopin study
– free choice piece of music (which can possibly be prepared during Multi-annual Course)
– a concert for piano and orchestra never presented during the previous years.
–The reference teacher has to check that the minutes and the pieces of the exam program are proper to the rules.
Annual attendance fee € 2.100, divided in two instalments:
within 15th October € 1.050
within 15th February € 1.050